Hedonism and Happiness


The field of ethics or moral philosophy involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior. Hedonism is a way of life, characterized by openness to a pleasurable experience. There are many qualms approximately hedonism. It is rejected on ethical grounds and stated to be adverse to long time period happiness. And also happiness is the feeling that comes over you when you know that life is good and you can’t help but smile. It’s the opposite of sadness. Happiness is a feeling of well-being, joy, or contentment. When people are successful, safe, or happy, they feel happy. Nobody has ever complained about being too lucky. In this article plans to write a lot about hedonism and happiness.


Ethics also called moral philosophy, the discipline concerned with what is morally good and bad and morally right and wrong. The term is also applied to any system or theory of moral values or principle.How should we live? Shall we aim at happiness or at knowledge, virtue, or the creation of beautiful objects? If we choose happiness, will it be our own or the happiness, will it be our own or the happiness of all? And what of the more particular questions that face us , is it right to be dishonest in a good cause? Three major areas of study within ethics recognized today are

• Meta ethics,

Concerning the theoretical meaning and reference of moral propositions, and how their truth values can be determined.

• Normative ethics,

Concerning the practical means of determining a moral course of action.

• Applied ethics,

Concerning what a person is obligated to do in a specific situation or particular domain action.

Social Aspects

Social ethics is something that goes beyond legal things. That is, a large number of parties can be considered as bonds, friendships, trusts, respect for elders, and greetings. Nothing like the law is mentioned in writing. Everything is based on humanity. Legal support is largely due to social ethics.But as a country it is under regular conditions. However, all social punishment is based on ethics. That is, no other party will come forward to punish. Ethics era standard or codes of behavior expected of an individual.

Legal Aspects

There are many mistakes that people make by mistake or by mistake. The results of all errors at eye level, except for unusual errors, are stated in writing. But why should something like this be written? Why something was called law really created? Let's hope so somehow. Really, according to the law book, everything is fair and the person concerned is always punished? Let's find out the answer to all this. There is no need for legal status in ethics. The law is built because it violates ethics inhumanely. Many offenders go into hiding without breaking the law.Why is the law written? Written notes are acceptable. For example, suppose a person attacks the first party for disrespecting or neglecting the other party, regardless of their ethics. This example is not the only truth to explain the problem. The law is the punishment for assault. The same punishment should be meted out for another such incident. Therefore the law must be written.Why is law not always ethical? Consider the example given in the chapter above. In fact, if the morals were included in the first paragraph. He or she does not do anything that is unethical or unethical. At that point there may be a mistake in terms of true ethics. In such cases, the law is the norm. Furthermore, in a country like Sri Lanka, the wrongdoings committed by those in power are imminent, whether or not they exist. Such instances are also extremely unethical.


Hedonism refers to a family of theories, all of which have in common that pleasure plays a central role in them. Psychological or motivational hedonism claims that our behavior is determined by desires to increase pleasure and to decrease pain.


How can we define happiness? I think there can’t be an exact definition for happiness. Happiness is relative and a person himself can only define what happiness means to him. To feel an emotional attraction is to want to be emotionally present with another person. When you want to share with them the things that you are feeling you feel an emotional attraction. I think the main reason for this is a happy person always see the positivity of his or her life and always try to add such things instead of negative things. Hence, the life is automatically became a good one.


In my experience, despite the hundreds of books published about happiness and how to obtain pleasure in life, it all comes down to a simple formula: happiness = reality - expectations.In every given circumstance, whether it's a relationship, vacation, book, or whatever, your happiness is determined by the actuality of the situation against your expectations.


Personal authority is the trust and earned right to speak into someone's life. Positional authority may get results in the short run, but only personal authority will create trust, loyalty, and a deep connection to your vision and values.We have to develop personal authority. To develop personal authority we must do the following things.

1. Hard work in the trenches that leads to genuine expertise.

2. Growing through suffering.

3. Genuine compassionate love for others.


Living the good life means living a life that sets us free. A life that satisfies and fulfills us, that adds happiness, joy, and a sense of purpose to our life. Socrates has mentioned that by living a just life, based on reflection, examination, and servitude to society , a person can truly live the good life. But those who allow desires and passions to guide their actions, are most likely not living worthwhile lives.


Considering all of the above, ethics guide us to make the world a better place through the choices we make. And also ethics is the process of questioning, discovering, and defending our values, principles and purpose. On a daily basis, we are guided by an ethical framework that helps us make decisions that have good consequences and steers us away from unjust results. Though our decision, ethics helps us to make the world a better place. Business ethics are just as essential as personal ethics. Moreover, every human being must have a good understanding of ethics


[1] Singer, Peter “ About Ethics” in practical ethics. Cambridge university press, 2011 (p. 1-15)

[2] Shafer-Landau,R., “Hedonism : it’s powerful Appeal”, in The fundamentals of ethics 2012 (p. 21-56) . Oxford : Oxford University Press.


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